In the thrilling follow-up to "The Black Star Passes," John W. Campbell, Jr. again takes his team of young scientist-explorers on a voyage to the outer reaches of the universe - culminating in a space battle of epic proportions! Classic space opera, here is a tale from the Golden Age of Science Fiction! "Arcot, Wade, Morey, and their computer, Fuller, put together a ship which will travel faster than light . . . they give us what may have been the first space-warp drive. The concept was simple; to make it plausible wasn't - unless you were John Campbell." -- Astounding Science Fiction
Autor: | Campbell, John W. |
ISBN: | 9781434499929 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Produktart: | Gebunden |
Verlag: | Wildside Press |
Veröffentlicht: | 10.04.2007 |