In this second installment of the Viking Quest series, Bree finds herself in a physical and spiritual battle for survival. With another young slave, she makes a daring escape from the ship as soon as it reaches harbor. They hide in the woods as Mikkel and his Viking sailors begin a relentless search, certain that Bree is responsible for a missing bag of silver coins. Bree must face her unwillingless to forgive the Vikings, and Mikkel begins to wonder: Is the god of these Irish Christians really more powerful than our own Viking gods?
Autor: | Johnson, Lois Walfrid |
ISBN: | 9780802431134 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Produktart: | Kartoniert / Broschiert |
Verlag: | Moody Publishers |
Veröffentlicht: | 01.09.2003 |
Altersempfehlung: | 9 - 16 |