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Zu "Integrable systems" wurden 18 Produkte gefunden

Suchergebnis | hauptverlag

Rigid Body Dynamics

139,10 CHF*
Rigid Body Dynamics

139,10 CHF*
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIX

181,90 CHF*

53,50 CHF*
Classical and Quantum Physics

107,00 CHF*
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem

107,00 CHF*
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem

107,00 CHF*
A Memoir on Integrable Systems

90,90 CHF*
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations

160,50 CHF*

53,50 CHF*
Nonlinear Dispersive Equations

160,50 CHF*
Geometric Methods in Physics XXXIX

181,90 CHF*
Geometric Methods in Physics XL

246,10 CHF*