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This book deals with the social exclusion of Romanies (‘Gypsies’) in Italy. Based on interviews with Romani individuals, institutional and Civil Society Organisations’ (CSOs) representatives, participant observation and a broad range of secondary sources, the volume focuses on the conditions of those living in Rome’s urban slums and on the recent implementation of the so-called ‘ Emergenza Nomadi ’ (Nomad Emergency). The enactment of this extraordinary measure concealed the existence of a long-established institutional tradition of racism and control directed at Romanies. It was not the result of a sudden, unexpected situation which required an immediate action, as the declaration of an ‘emergency’ might imply, but rather of a precise government strategy. By providing an investigation into the interactions between Romanies, local institutions and CSOs, this book will deliver a new perspective on the Romani issue by arguing that the ‘camp’ is not only a tool for institutional control and segregation, but also for ‘resistance’, as well as a huge business in which everyone plays their part.
Autor: Armillei, Riccardo
ISBN: 9783319763170
Sprache: Englisch
Seitenzahl: 268
Produktart: Gebunden
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2018
Untertitel: Corruption, Inefficiencies and Practices of Resistance
Schlagworte: Gypsies Institutional racism Nomad camps Romanies Rome

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