The Pussy Detective
A surreal Blacksploitation joint for the 21st Century. An Occult, Erotic Mystery bout Reverend Daddy Hoodoo helping his Wommin find their Lost-R-Missing Pussies with the help of the extraordinary Madam X. Featuring heartless gangsters, Vodoo sex Magick, and a young Wommin in distress by the name of Abysinnia who is in desperate need of the services of Daddy Hoodoo. This tale leads from Between the Sheets to the Streets to the Boardroom Suites— and Beyond.
You probably wondering how I got into Finding Lost Pussy. Well, actually, I was born to do this. Everybody cums here with certain sets of Skills that only THEY kan do. Finding Lost or Missing Pussy is mines. Technically speaking, finding the SPIRIT or ESSENCE of Da Pussy is whats actually being done. The Woman who Suffers with this treacherous, vengeful condition is known as a Cold Maid. She dies inside. Some women go krazy — or even silent, refusing to speak ever again. Some OFF themselves. They most sertainly never make love again. You see, every living thing has a Spirit that dwells within it. Even Furniture. Its alive, too. In fact, everything that exists in this 4th Dimensional construct that we live in is alive (Yes, 4 Dimensions as science fails to realize...more about that later). Even though we mite not think of it as such. So when a Pussy goes MISSING or is LOST what we mean in this bizness is that its Spirit has left the dwelling of the PUSSY PROPER. This is called LOST PUSSY or MISSING PUSSY. And Im one of the best and last in the world who is an expert in the ancient art of Finding Lost or Missing Pussy.